Epic Empowerment for Recovery: Adult Exploratory Session

09may6:30 pm9:30 pmEpic Empowerment for Recovery: Adult Exploratory Session

Event Details

Date: May 9, 2024

Time: 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Cost: $65 + HST

Location: Jess Jones Recreation Therapy, 1124 Gainsborough Road, London

Age: 18+


The primary goal of the “Epic Empowerment for Recovery: Adult Exploratory Session” is to utilize the structured yet flexible framework of a tabletop role-playing game to facilitate personal growth, social skills development, and therapeutic recovery. This session aims to create a supportive environment where adults can engage in role-playing scenarios that help them explore real-life challenges and practice problem-solving in a controlled, creative, and collaborative setting.

Target Audience:

This program is ideal for adults who are:

  • In recovery from mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, or PTSD, who might benefit from engaging in structured yet creative social interactions.
  • Recovering from addiction or substance abuse, looking for non-traditional therapeutic activities that support rehabilitation and social skills rebuilding.
  • Interested in personal development and self-discovery through interactive and immersive experiences.
  • Seeking to enhance communication and teamwork skills, which are often emphasized in role-playing games.


The “Epic Empowerment for Recovery: Adult Exploratory Session” is a therapeutic program that integrates the engaging and imaginative world of tabletop role-playing games, specifically using the game Critical Core, to aid adults in recovery and personal development. This session leverages the structured gameplay and storytelling elements of role-playing games to create a supportive environment where participants can explore personal challenges, develop social skills, and enhance problem-solving abilities. Through character creation and narrative exploration, participants engage in a shared fantasy world that mirrors real-life scenarios, providing opportunities for emotional expression, teamwork, and empowerment. This approach not only makes therapy enjoyable but also deeply impactful, as it taps into the creative and collaborative aspects of role-playing to foster recovery, resilience, and personal growth.


  • Improved Social Skills: Role-playing games require communication, negotiation, and collaboration, helping participants improve these skills in a fun and engaging way.
  • Enhanced Problem-Solving Abilities: Participants face in-game challenges that require critical thinking and creative problem-solving, mirroring real-life situations they might encounter.
  • Emotional Regulation and Resilience: Engaging in role-play allows individuals to express a range of emotions in a safe environment, helping them learn to regulate and cope with emotional responses.
  • Stress Relief and Enjoyment: Playing games can be a significant stress reliever, providing participants with enjoyable escapism and a break from everyday pressures.
  • Empowerment and Confidence Building: Achieving goals within the game can boost self-esteem and confidence, empowering participants in other areas of their life.
  • Supportive Community Building: Shared experiences in the game foster a sense of community and belonging among participants, which can be particularly beneficial for those feeling isolated or disconnected.

About Us: Jess Jones Recreation Therapy is dedicated to providing high-quality Therapeutic Recreation, Leisure Education and Counseling to humans of all ages and abilities through creativity, connection and curiosity. We pride ourselves on an advantageous team that brings education, research, experience and compassion to the table. Jess Jones Recreation Therapy Inc. was founded in June of 2021. What started off as only providing sensory exploration kit subscriptions has grown into serving hundreds of humans of all ages and abilities nationwide with one-to-one and group therapeutic recreation programming! With a focus on serving children with intellectual and developmental disabilities with an FASD specialization, we are also experts in providing programming to adults and seniors alike.


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Sasha Maurer, Therapeutic Recreation Specialist Assistant

Sascha Maurer is a Therapeutic Recreation graduate certificate student at Algonquin College ('23). In 2022, he completed his Developmental Services Worker diploma and has worked in community and school settings, supporting people with physical and cognitive challenges. Through his experience, Sascha has developed a passion for using technology to support individuals experiencing barriers to meaningful recreation and leisure opportunities. He is developing a gamified planner for web and mobile devices to support neurodivergent groups. He pitched this business concept in a regional pitch competition and won first place. He is looking forward to pursuing a Bachelor's in a relevant field starting in Fall of '23 to develop the skills necessary to help people lead more fulfilling lives.
1124 Gainsborough Road London Ontario

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