Forest Bathing & Tea Ceremony

23may5:30 pm8:30 pmForest Bathing & Tea Ceremony

Event Details

Date: May 23rd

Time: 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Cost: $65 +HST

Location: To be determined

Age: 18+

Goal: The terminal goal of Forest Bathing & Tea Ceremony is to enhance participants’ mental and physical well-being by fostering a deep connection with nature, promoting relaxation, and reducing stress, while also incorporating the meditative and reflective aspects of a traditional tea ceremony.

Target Audience: 

  • Young Adults (18-30 years): Those seeking stress relief from academic or early career pressures, or those interested in eco-friendly, natural wellness practices.
  • Working Professionals: Individuals looking to reduce work-related stress and fatigue, aiming to find a balance between their professional and personal life through nature therapy.
  • Mental Health Advocates: Those who might be dealing with anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues and are seeking alternative or complementary therapeutic options to improve their mental wellbeing.
  • Nature Enthusiasts and Environmentalists: People who have an intrinsic love for nature and look for any opportunity to spend time outdoors, reconnecting with natural settings.
  • Senior Adults (55+ years): Older adults interested in gentle, accessible outdoor activities that offer both physical and mental health benefits.
  • Health and Wellness Community: Individuals focused on holistic health, wellness practices, and non-traditional medicine who are continually exploring new methods to enhance wellbeing.
  • Chronic Illness Sufferers: Those managing chronic pain or illness, who find the soothing environment of the forest beneficial for their symptoms.

Description: Immerse yourself in the healing power of nature with our Forest Bathing experience, enhanced by a traditional Tea Ceremony led by Recreation Therapist Jessie Jones. This guided nature walk invites participants to engage in mindful sensory experiences, connect with the natural world, and promote overall well-being. Following the forest walk, participants will gather for a serene tea ceremony, further deepening their connection with nature and fostering relaxation.

Forest bathing, also known as “Shinrin-yoku,” which translates to “taking in the forest atmosphere,” is a practice that originated in Japan. It involves immersing oneself in the natural environment of a forest to enhance health, wellness, and happiness. The target audience for forest bathing sessions for adults aged 18 and older includes a broad spectrum of individuals seeking various benefits 


Stress Reduction: Forest Bathing and the Tea Ceremony promote relaxation and reduce stress by immersing participants in the tranquil atmosphere of the forest and facilitating mindfulness.

Mindfulness: Engaging in mindful sensory experiences during the forest walk helps participants cultivate present-moment awareness and deepen their connection with nature.

Physical Health: Spending time in nature has been shown to improve physical health by reducing blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol levels, while tea consumption may offer additional health benefits such as antioxidant properties.

Emotional Well-being: Forest Bathing, combined with the meditative aspects of the Tea Ceremony, can uplift mood, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, and enhance overall emotional well-being.

Connection with Nature: Participants will experience a sense of awe and connection with the natural world, fostering a deeper appreciation for the environment through both the forest walk and the Tea Ceremony.

Note: Participants are encouraged to dress comfortably and bring water, as well as any personal items they may need for the duration of the walk. Forest Bathing & Tea Ceremony is a gentle, slow-paced activity suitable for all fitness levels.

About Us: Jess Jones Recreation Therapy is dedicated to providing high-quality Therapeutic Recreation, Leisure Education and Counseling to humans of all ages and abilities through creativity, connection and curiosity. We pride ourselves on an advantageous team that brings education, research, experience and compassion to the table. Jess Jones Recreation Therapy Inc. was founded in June of 2021. What started off as only providing sensory exploration kit subscriptions has grown into serving hundreds of humans of all ages and abilities nationwide with one-to-one and group therapeutic recreation programming! With a focus on serving children with intellectual and developmental disabilities with an FASD specialization, we are also experts in providing programming to adults and seniors alike.


Ticket Section Title


Price $65.00

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Total Price $65.00


(Thursday) 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

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