Join us for one of our SIGNATURE programs! Designed in 2021, our Culinary Armchair Travel Program takes you across Canada in our Canadian Series! Collect destination stickers on your passport, enjoy a live food demo and try the food! PLUS enjoy learning about each destination with an interactive presentation!
Your ticket grants you more than just entry; it’s a passport to an experience filled with:
- Learning about Canadian culture, geography, and culinary traditions that are among the most exciting and diverse in the world
- Time spent with other people who have similar interests and ambitions to learn
- Food: the opportunity to see food demonstrations that you can try at home – and of course, the chance to eat dishes that make us uniquely Canadian
- A relaxed environment in a creative and unique setting with locally grown and sourced grocery items
You’ll leave each session excited to try new recipes and a with a tool kit of information that you can share with friends and family. The goal of recreation therapy is to support an individuals need for leisure and recreation. We will remind you each week to take time and opportunity to enjoy life: because you’re worth it.